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NLA Health Sciences Fellows Track

The New Leadership Academy Health Sciences Fellows Track is a new course of leadership development in the NLA Fellows Program aimed at preparing leaders with the knowledge, tools, and courage to meet the challenges associated with highly contested and complex health systems. Unlike traditional leader development programs, the NLA Health Sciences Track offers mid-career professionals in the health sciences a robust cohort experience where Fellows are supported and can learn together about the challenges of the healthcare and health sciences fields. Health science clinicians, faculty, administrators, researchers, and staff are all encouraged to apply.

Ways We Support Our Mission

The curriculum and learning objectives of the NLA Health Sciences Track draw upon both traditional leadership theory as well as the contemporary scholarship that has investigated the roles of leaders under highly contested and complex conditions. It also pays particular attention to the unique environments, systemic structures, and demands professionals in the health sciences must navigate. NLA Health Sciences Track Fellows participate in a tailored curriculum, which includes monthly synchronous and asynchronous online learning modules, discussions across cohorts, longitudinal executive coaching, networking with health sciences and higher education professionals, immersive case study experiences, and membership in the larger NLA Alumni community. 

Upon completion, NLA Health Sciences Track Fellows will: 

  • Acquire sophistication in re-envisioning values and institutional imperatives that translate into dynamic, focus-driven strategies for organizations focused on the health sciences. 
  • Gain specialized knowledge and tools necessary to provide highly effective leadership within and beyond health sciences, higher education, and academic medicine settings. 
  • Establish networks that promote cross-collaboration and partnerships that interrupt siloed organizational structures. 
  • Develop the communication skills to clearly articulate the value of belonging and equitable health outcomes across various complex organizational settings to make sustainable changes.
Last Updated: 6/19/24